When your sales don’t perform as well as you expected, it’s time to launch a new content marketing strategy. You can use these tips to drive traffic to your online platform or website, increase conversions, and establish an improved track record of sales.

1. Create a small Website

You already know that targeting a niche market of consumers usually produces better results than a campaign that targets everyone. This same concept translates to content marketing, as well. A microsite funnels traffic from a very specific demographic or potential end user.



According to Intechnic’s marketing director, Danielle Kogan, microsites provide several benefits to businesses who want to sell more products, such as better SEO (search engine optimization), faster campaign development, and a less cluttered visual interface. A microsite serves as a portal for a single product or service and focuses intensely on that part of your business’s brand.

For example, you could create a website for your best-selling product to leverage its prior success. Highlight its features, provide testimonials from satisfied customers, and create a detailed walk-through that will engage consumers.

2. Give Away Content


Everyone lines to receive something for free. Whether it’s a white paper, an e-book, or a webinar, you generate goodwill among potential customers and establish your authority in the industry.

Marketing expert Heidi Cohen, writing for the Content Marketing Institute, also suggests that businesses can use free content to determine its value. The ways in which consumers respond to your free content will tell you which information products yield the best results.

3. Target an Untapped Demographic

Maybe you focused your product marketing on men and women in their 30s and 40s, but twenty-somethings could benefit from your product, as well. It’s a good idea to choose a narrow demographic for niche-based content marketing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create campaigns for separate markets.

Think about who uses your products and why they benefit your customers. Analyzing usage patterns and customer feedback can help you identify untapped market and increase your earnings potential.

Today Facebook can walk you through a few steps to define the audience, budget, and schedule for your ad set. It enables you to specify demographic information like location, age, gender, and language.

4. Branch Out Into Social Media

As more people use their smartphones instead of their desktop communities, social media becomes an increasingly essential part of any content marketing campaign.
A finely-crafted call-to-action on social media can yield tremendous gains in product marketing.

Thankfully, Facebook’s tools cater to the marketer who wants to form an authentic relationship with their audience. With Facebook’s impressive collection of analytics tools, you can understand your target audience before you post. You can stretch the limits of your creativity with Facebook’s increasing number of multimedia content options.

Mobile users like social media because it’s quick, digestible, and convenient. If you establish a presence on social media, you can reach more viewers and potentially increase your product sales.

5. Address a Controversial Topic

Every industry has a few controversial issues that swim in and out of thought-leader conversations. Instead of shying away from them, confront them head-on. Create a blog post that makes your opinions clear. These types of posts are excellent for driving inbound links and response pieces.

Great content marketing inspires emotion in your audience. You want readers to feel something and react accordingly. Even if you anger a few people, the ones who believe what you believe will become brand ambassadors and lifelong customers.

If you’re unhappy with your product sales, your content marketing digital strategy might need a few tweaks. Try a couple of the suggestions above to drive more sales or request professional help.

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