Your out-of-date and unclear-to-use website could may become the end for your reputation and your business. But if your half-baked website design can suffer your success considerably.

don’t let your website prevent your performance

All in a good time. So, here is the tips to pay special attention on your business website right now.

  1. It’s not mobile friendly

    Responsive Website Design

    Over half of online activity is taking place on smartphones and tablets, and this number is bound to grow in the coming years. Therefore it’s absolutely essential that your website is mobile friendly.

    People tend to search for the services they need when they are on-the-go, so if your website is not visible on phones or tablets, or is difficult to navigate, just think of all the business you could be losing.Poor visibility, links that are difficult to open and distorted images are all valid reasons why someone in need of a leaking tap or burst pipe will take their business elsewhere. So make sure your website is up to the challenge.

  2. It’s not search engine optimised


    When a customer needs to find a business or a service in a hurry, they are not going to spend valuable time looking through the websites of dozens of local companies – they will more likely go to the first name that comes up on Google.

    So if your business website isn’t SEO friendly, you’ll soon become invisible to search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

    A new website can be built with SEO in mind and will result in better search results and more enquires, which equals more customers.

  3. It’s hard to navigate

    If prospective customers have to spend too much time searching to find what they’re looking for, they’ll more than likely give up and move on to your competitor’s site.

    And with a dated website this can be a tricky fix.

    So the simplest way to ensure your site is as user-friendly  interface as possible for all who visit is to start from scratch and opt for a specially designed website that takes into account usability and navigation.

  4. It looks tired

     An outdated website says to customers that your business is tired and in need of a change, which may lose you business, even if you’re at the top of your field.

    Animated gifs, flash intros, and out-of-date plugins will all ring alarm bells for visitors to your site, as well as transforming them back to the mid-1990s.

    So maintain your credibility and reputation by investing in a website that makes your business look in-keeping with modern times as well as one that perform

  5. It has no new content

    Constantly uploading new content is key for your website to appear fresh and exciting as well as rank well with search engines.

    A newly designed website will be built specifically with new content in mind, meaning you will be able to add blog posts, infographics, e-books, videos and pretty much anything you want to make it easier to engage with your customers.

    Not only will this help the performance of your website, it can also enhance your position as a market leader, as well as attracting visitors who might be looking for more information.